Sacred geometry holds the belief that the underlying structure of the universe is geometric and mathematical and that the building blocks of life are 'sacred' designs. Sacred geometry can be seen built into churches, mosques and pagan temples and sites all over the world. The same geometry is of course everywhere and discovered by different people in different places around the world.
The very first symbol is the circle. We have perfect circles everywhere now in modern life, but it's interesting to consider that in prehistoric times perfect circles were rarely seen. In fact there are only 3 perfect circles in nature. The sun the moon and our eyes. When the first geometers used a compass or even a stick and string to mark out a circle it was considered a magical act, and of course within magical traditions it still is.

The 'Flower of Life' symbol starts with a simple circle, then another of the same size drawn with its centre on the edge of the first. (This creates the 'vesica piscis') The process continues until you have six interlocking circles which create a 'flower' shape at the center. This first iteration is known as 'The Seed of Life')

Continuing the pattern expands the design out into the greater 'Flower of Life' pattern.

All geometric forms can be found within this simple repeating pattern, including sacred geometry shapes like the Platonic Solids, Metatron’s Cube, and the Merkaba. The Flower of Life symbolizes creation and reminds us of the basic underlying unity of everything: we’re all built from the same blueprint.
See some of our 'Flower of Life' earrings, plugs and jewellery.
The earliest confirmed example of the pattern can be seen on an Assyrian door which is now in the Louvre museum in Pari, and has been dated to c. 645 BC. There is also speculation that the pattern is integral to the design of Stonehenge!